Who am I? What will my DNA present about my health, traits, and ancestry? Soon I will have answers. On Friday I dropped my saliva sample at an USPS mail slot. It is on its way to 23andMe for processing and analysis. I do hope my raw data arrives in my inbox by early March, so I can participate in the assignments in a Nutritional Genomic Counseling workshop.
What will I discover? Over the last 5 years, I’ve made significant changes in diet and lifestyle. What influence is it having on my genome? What additional modifications to my normal anti-aging / anti-inflammatory diet and supplementation will be key to promote future health including avoidance of chronic diseases? What epigenetic changes have already occurred? Have I overcome the bad genes I’ve inherited from my Mother and Father? What is the status of my telomere length? I wonder what biomarkers will be assessed. How will this impact my life moving forward?
So many questions with answers forthcoming!
Are you curious as to how nutrition can influence your genome? Jump over to my Nutrition Consultations page and schedule an appointment. I’m here to empower you to start your life-changing journey of eating a whole foods based diet and nutraceuticals.
To order the reports on your 23 pairs of chromosomes go to 23andMe.