NEW VIDEO: How to Make Your Own Mayo

How to make your own mayo

With summer now in full swing, I’d been thinking about making my own mayonnaise for a while. When I think of this time of year, I think of quintessential “summer food” like BLTs, potato salad, and grilled burgers. What better way to enjoy those foods than by making a mayo with wholesome ingredients?

In terms of store-bought mayo, Duke’s Mayonnaise has been my pantry favorite, because it’s sugar-free. What turns me off is that it contains soybean oil. Liquid seed and vegetable oils are highly refined and predominately GMO, containing byproducts from the manufacturing process and what original nutrient qualities (Vitamin E) contained in the seeds have been stripped. During the industrialized extraction process the seeds go through heating, pressurization, emulsification, bleaching, hydrogenation, and deodorization. Hexane (a solvent) is used to ensure that all the oil is squeezed out of the beans. (Do purchase hexane free coconut oil too.)

Soy oil is a polyunsaturated fat, comprised of predominately inflammatory Omega-6 fatty acids and lesser amounts of oleic acid. New biotech high oleic acid soybean oil is available, check the label. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat rich in oleic acid. A key component in the Mediterranean diet is extra virgin olive oil, considered by some experts to be the healthiest diet to embrace. Promoting heart health through lowering LDL, raising HDL and reducing blood pressure.

Select a non-refined first cold pressed olive oil from your grocery store. In my pantry, my overall favorite is California Olive Ranch Extra Virgin Olive Oil or Wegmans California Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Both have great price points.

I buy my eggs locally from farmers I know and trust either England Acres in New Market or the Weiss Family Farm at the West Frederick Farmers’ Market. Their hens are pastured, free range, and eat bugs. Isn’t that what Mother nature designed them to eat? I know my farmers, thus I am very comfortable with using their eggs raw in DYI mayo. My favorite way of eating an egg is over easy, I want the runny yolk and I like loose wet scrambled eggs too. I never really eat an egg fully cooked after all. If a raw egg is beyond your comfort level, select pasteurized eggs. Do note the mayonnaise shelf life is 2 weeks and store in the refrigerator.

Watch my video to see how easy DYI mayo is to make with an immersion blender. The taste is lovely. You will never go back to store bought mayo again. Trust me! When fresh garlic is available from the farmers’ market, I will be adding cloves to my mayonnaise. A friend makes baconnaise. Wouldn’t that be great on a BLT? Enjoy!

DIY Mayo Recipe

1 whole egg

1/2 tsp Dijon mustard

Juice of 1/2 a lemon

A pinch sea salt

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Add all to a wide mouth Mason jar. Let the oil rise to the top. Place immersion blender at bottom of jar and turn on. As the mayo emulsifies, slowly rise the immersion blender out of the jar and pulse a few times until the whole mixture is thick and creamy.

Keep refrigerated and use within 2 weeks.

Optional: For extra flavor, try adding chopped garlic, herbs, spices, or even citrus zest.

Recipe adapted from –

NEW VIDEO: How to Make Your Own Mayo
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