I was star struck when I noticed David Wolfe in the parking lot. He is an international celebrity and author. David has a loyal following as a health, eco, nutrition, and natural beauty expert. Food Matters, the 2008 documentary on nutrition and the power of food to treat chronic medical conditions was my first exposure to David. In the movie, he expresses his passion for raw foods and Superfoods including chocolate.
My mother, Helen, was my date for The Color Code event in Monkton, MD on “The Benefits of the Colors in Our Foods.” David is very personable. I was thrilled when he came to meet Mom. I told him, she is here because I want you to inspire her to continue to make changes in her food choices. That is what David does – motivates people to use food as medicine with ease.
David is amazing and charismatic. He was on non-stop, never taking a break. I’m watching him, thinking, yes, wow, I want to be just like him. What do I need to do? What is the magical potion that I am missing from my diet?
David was engaging, entertaining, and informative. It would be amazing to have traveled with him to Iceland’s artic to sun gaze during the summer solstice. David describes four minutes of barefoot sun gazing as magical and mystical. He is fortunate during his trips that he eats well cooking dishes in his host’s kitchen using ingredients often foraged wild from exotic places.
David is an anti-vaccine advocate and will lead the movement starting in California. The research that he presented was compelling. I look forward to reviewing Vaccines and Vaccine Safety (A summary of Internet links to alternative viewpoints on vaccines) June 9, 2015 at Davidwolfe.com.
David shared stories about his parents struggle with conventional medicine and how they were healed with alternative methods. Mom and I are not convinced that a trip to Guadalajara is in her future for stem cell therapy, although I have the info if things change.
According to David, calcification within the fascia and on the exterior bone surfaces promotes disease, chronic pain, and rigidity, limiting age related movement, and blocking release of stem cells from the bone marrow to the circulation. Rolfing and yoga are options to dissolve the abnormal calcium salt deposits in soft tissue by alignment correction, restoring adequate fluid transfer and allowing gravity to get the juices going.
David considers Chaga, the King of the Medicinal Mushrooms, which is also the title of his 2012 book. I embrace Reishi, the other medicinal mushroom daily as one ingredient in my herbal root powder nut balls. I chose Reishi as the name of my third Bichon Frise. Mushrooms are highly recommended for both immune and anti-aging support.
Mom purchased his Immortal Machine Superfood Drink Mix and plans on reading Longevity Now. We were told Immortal Machine tastes like a chocolate shake (that kids like) when blended with almond milk and a few ice cubes. And they were correct. In my opinion, as her daughter and a nutritionist, Mom needs to increase her intake of protein and fluids. This drink mix has the added bonus of adaptogens (Maca and Ashwagandha) and Superfoods (Shilajit, Cacao, Lucuma, Mucuna, and Amla) ingredients.
He is a master salesman. Not that there is anything wrong with that. On the Home Shopping Network, he frequently demonstrates the NUTRiBULLET™ blenders. Look for him and their specials on July 5 (today!). Longevity Warehouse is where one can purchase Sacred Chocolate, Superfoods, medicinal mushrooms, including his books, DVDs, and the Immortal Machine Superfood Drink Mix that Mom bought.
The Color Code by David Avocado Wolfe – as received post event in my email box from David.
Red — Blood building, heart strengthening, also volatile
Orange — Anti-inflammatory, happiness in action
Yellow — Tissue building, tissue repair, immune system development
Green — Neutralizer, deodorizer, detoxifier, liver cleanser
Blue — Creativity, stem cells, bone marrow, throat, thyroid
Purple — Central nervous system protector, gut nervous system protector, brain and eye nourishing
Brown — Intestines, digestive tract tonic
White — Beneficial to the lungs and the immune system, tabula rasa, source energy
Black — Jing (primordial lifeforce essence), longevity, marrow, kidneys
It all comes down to what you need for your specific bio-individuality and health challenges. As an expert in the realm of nutritional options including medicinal foods, I can guide you and together we can develop a plan for your success, jump over to my nutrition consults page and let’s set up a time to chat.