
Herbamare IMG_1407It was luv at first taste. Amazed, that I have not discovered it before now. Herbamare is sea salt infused with a blend of organic herbs. It is not your Mother’s seasoned salt. Also, not to be confused with Mrs. Dash’s seasoning blends. I have been sprinkling it on salads, raita, and steamed vegetables. I am not perfect; everything I make is not always amazing. That is the beauty of Herbamare. It makes your vegetables pop on those days when they end up tasting marginal. You have those days don’t you? Share Herbamare with your friends, family, and office mates who say they do not eat vegetables. It is SO delicious that I want to eat more vegetables. On a given day, I easily eat over six cups of vegetables, a variety of raw and cooked.

How many cups of vegetables are you eating daily? Vegetables are medicinal, anti-aging, and a source of fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. A complex synergy perfected by Mother Nature that cannot be replicated in a supplement.

Perhaps all you need are new recipes in your vegetable menu rotation. I’m here to help guide and empower you to start your life-changing journey of eating a whole foods based diet and living a healthy life. Jump over to my Nutrition Consultations page and schedule an appointment with me.

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